Optional Worship Services

Traditional Services

This service follows various elements of historic Christian worship.  We sing hymns accompanied by an organ or piano. 

Starts at 11:00 AM

RUMC Sanctuary 

Everyone is invited to our fellowship time in Fellowship Hall between services where we enjoy a snack and connect in your way with others.

Contemporary Services

This service is more informal than the Traditional Service, but still retains some traditional elements . Like a time for greeting each other and the Lord's Prayer.  Music is led by our Messengers of Praise with guitars, vocals, keyboards.  We also include a special time for children to come up front for a brief message.  

Starts at 9:00 AM


We serve communion every first Sunday.  We do so in remembrance of Jesus (Luke 22:19), which reminds us of the sacrificial death Jesus was willing to endure on our behalf.  It's an opportunity to renew our trust in Jesus and to reflect on the promises he’s given to us. When we take communion together, it’s not just “something we do.” It’s a physical reminder of all that Jesus has done and is continually doing something to us and for us.